Versatile Solutions in Stainless Steel and Aluminum

Kaj Olesen offers a versatile stainless steel assembly service with a focus on development, manufacturing, and installation in stainless steel and aluminum. We have experience with both large and small projects, both domestically and internationally. We also provide maintenance and service, making us the ideal partner for both businesses and private individuals in need of a reliable collaboration.

Versatile Solutions in Stainless Steel Assembly and Aluminum

Kaj Olesen offers a versatile stainless steel assembly service with a focus on the development, manufacturing, and installation of complex solutions in stainless steel and aluminum. The company has experience with both small and large projects, both domestically and internationally, and its expertise includes everything from rolling and bending to CNC-controlled production.

We also offer maintenance and service, making us an ideal partner for businesses in need of reliable stainless steel assembly solutions.

We offer a wide range of services in stainless steel and aluminum.

In our workshops, our skilled employees are ready to assist with expertise in:

  • TIG & MIG welding
  • Bending and rolling items with high accuracy and quality in various sizes
  • Various CNC constructions, where they can both mill and turn the items

Business or Private

At Kaj Olesen, we offer assembly tasks for both businesses and private individuals throughout Denmark, as well as companies abroad. We handle the entire process from development to production and assembly, ensuring that our customers' needs are met with high quality and precision.

Our service also covers maintenance and repair of items in stainless steel and aluminum. For further information about possibilities, you can contact Kim or Jacob for a solution that suits you.

Shall we assist with your next project?

Hos Kaj Olesen står vi klar til at hjælpe dig med dit næste projekt. Vi tilbyder professionel rådgivning, så du får en skræddersyet løsning, der passer til dine behov.
Kontakt os telefonisk og få en uforpligtende snak på +45 75 28 77 01, eller send os en e-mail med beskrivelse af projektet og gerne evt. billeder.

Kim Olesen:
Jacob Olesen:

Get in touch with us

Do you need assistance or just have additional questions, feel free to reach or by giving us a call.

Steffen Jensen

Head of department Electric polishing

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